Mon, Dec 18, 2023
TSU students to benefit from alumni-sponsored solar charging station
"Quality is non-negotiable. It is a product of conscious effort & rational decision."
-Dr. Niño B. Corpuz
To attain the vision of becoming a premier University in the Pacific Region, the Planning and Quality Assurance Office is set to work on establishing a reputation for offering superior higher educational services and programs. This is assured by setting out quality indicators brought by careful planning, continuous accreditation of programs, audit of process of standards and quality management system. Offices under the VP PQA set forth the direction of all units of the University as framed by the cascaded targets of the University President. In this job, everybody is involved; we can only get things done to improve the quality of the environment by making everyone concern on the directions we set our foot forward. Everybody’s commitment to excellence is the key element in the attainment of success to reach our vision.
Let us all work for quality.
Vice President, Planning and Quality Assurance