Wed, Apr 28, 2021

TSU Medical Services Advisory (Reminders on COVID-19 matters)


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Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the household, please be reminded of the following:

  • If you are living with a frontliner (i.e., doctor, nurse, police, military, essential goods delivery personnel, etc.), it is highly advised to have a separate room for them (if possible). Mingling in common areas like dining and living rooms is discouraged. As much as possible, limit your time exposure with them.
  • Unnecessary meet ups, events, or gatherings that will expose you and your family are discouraged. It is also important to ensure proper ventilation in your respective homes.
  • If you have been exposed to the virus or are at risk of contracting the virus, you will be advised to undergo a 14-day home quarantine to observe for signs and symptoms. The Medical Services Monitoring Team will advise and follow up on your health status.
  • Prior to the resumption of your work and with the guidance of the Medical Services, you are obliged to undergo a rapid test or RT-PCR swab test depending on the category you are in. You are also obliged to answer all queries of our health personnel with full honesty.
  • If you have a family member who are manifesting signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and are scheduled for swab testing, please do not go to work until the result of the RT-PCR is out to avoid unnecessary exposure to your officemates and other offices.

We encourage everyone to be cooperative in this trying times. The Medical Services Facebook page ( is open 24/7 for queries and concerns. The medical clinic can also be reached through phone call at (045) 606 8136 during office hours.

For everyone's strict compliance.